Kaplan Divorce Blog

Top 5 Things to Consider Before Separating from Your Spouse in New Jersey

Written by Steven J. Kaplan, Esq. | February 25, 2024

Going through a divorce or separation is undoubtedly one of the most challenging experiences anyone can face.

If you're contemplating separating from your spouse in New Jersey, it's crucial to approach the situation with careful consideration and preparation.

Here are the top five things that I feel you should contemplate before taking that step:

  1. Understanding New Jersey Divorce Laws: Familiarize yourself with the divorce laws specific to New Jersey. I'll show you how to do that (below).

    New Jersey is a "no-fault" divorce state, meaning you don't have to prove fault to get divorced.

    However, understanding the legal requirements, such as residency requirements and grounds for divorce, will help you navigate the process more effectively.

    Consulting with a knowledgeable divorce attorney can provide invaluable guidance in this regard. So will the information that I provide to you at the bottom of this article.

  2. Exploring Mediation: Consider mediation.

    This option can often lead to a more amicable and cost-effective resolution compared to traditional litigation.

    Mediation empowers both parties to work together to reach mutually agreeable solutions, which can be particularly beneficial if there are children involved or if you wish to preserve a civil relationship with your spouse post-divorce.

  3. Financial Considerations: Take stock of your financial situation and consider how a separation or divorce will impact it.

    This includes assessing assets, debts, income, and expenses.

    In New Jersey, marital assets are typically divided equitably, but this doesn't necessarily mean equally.

    Understanding your financial rights and obligations can help you negotiate a fair settlement and plan for your financial future post-divorce.

  4. Child Custody and Support: If you have children, prioritize their well-being throughout the separation process.

    New Jersey courts make child custody decisions based on the best interests of the child, taking into account factors such as parental involvement, stability, and the child's preferences (if they're old enough).

    Additionally, understand your rights and responsibilities concerning child support, as these obligations can significantly impact your financial situation.

  5. Emotional and Mental Well-being: Finally, don't underestimate the emotional toll that a separation or divorce can take.

    It's essential to prioritize your emotional and mental well-being throughout the process.

    Seek support from friends, family, or a therapist who can provide guidance and a listening ear during this challenging time.

    Taking care of yourself emotionally will not only help you cope with the immediate challenges but also position you for a healthier future beyond the divorce.

In conclusion, contemplating a separation or divorce in New Jersey requires careful consideration of various factors, including legal, financial, and emotional aspects.

By understanding your rights, exploring alternative dispute resolution methods, prioritizing your children's well-being, and taking care of your emotional health, you can navigate this difficult process with greater clarity and confidence.

Remember, seeking guidance from a qualified divorce attorney is often the first step toward achieving a fair and equitable resolution.



If you are considering separating or filing for divorce, the most important thing for you to do before doing anything else is to learn how to protect yourself, your children, and your assets.

I'll show you how you can do it.

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I get emails from strangers all the time thanking me for making this information available to them online at no cost, and I'm pretty certain that you, too, will get a lot of value from my emails.

And if you want to stop the emails, I made it really easy for you to do that... one click on any email stops the course. But few people do that...because the material is really helpful to anyone who is even just beginning to think about getting a divorce here in Monmouth County.


Are you ready to start turning things around?

The next move is up to you...!

Click the link above and begin learning how to get the "edge" in YOUR Monmouth County divorce case.

Until next time,

Steven J. Kaplan, Esq.

Specializing In Divorce
In Monmouth County NJ

5 Professional Circle
Colts Neck, NJ. 07722

(732) 845-9010