Kaplan Divorce Blog

Abuse and Divorce in Monmouth County

Written by Steven J. Kaplan, Esq. | March 5, 2024

For many people in Monmouth County, divorce isn't just about ending a marriage – it's about escaping abuse.

Abuse within a marriage can take many forms – physical, emotional, verbal, financial, or sexual.

If any of these forms of abuse are happening to you, then it may be helpful to you to understand your rights, particularly your right to be left alone, as you navigate the complexities of divorce.

In New Jersey, if you are a victim of abuse then you have legal protections and resources available to help you break free from your abuser and rebuild your life.

One of the fundamental rights of victims is the right to be left alone, free from harassment, intimidation, and further abuse from their abusive spouse.

This right is enshrined in both state and federal laws, including New Jersey's Prevention of Domestic Violence Act.

Under this law, if you are a victim of domestic violence then you can ask a Superior Court judge in the Monmouth County Court House in Freehold (during business hours) or a municipal court judge in your town's police department (during non-business hours) for a restraining order against your abuser.

If the restraining order is granted to you by the Judge, then it will prohibit your abusive spouse from contacting or coming near you, under penalty of arrest and incarceration.

A restraining order can provide you with crucial legal protection, allowing you to establish boundaries and ensure your safety during and after the divorce process.

When seeking a divorce from an abusive spouse in New Jersey, victims can also request temporary custody of their children and exclusive possession of the marital home to further ensure their safety and well-being.

Additionally, victims may be entitled to financial support, including spousal support and child support, to help them establish independence and rebuild their lives post-divorce.

If you are a victim of abuse at your spouse's hands, it is important for you to remember that you are not alone.

There are numerous organizations and support services available in New Jersey to assist victims in navigating the divorce process and accessing the resources they need to move forward.

These organizations can provide legal assistance, counseling, shelter, and other essential services to help victims rebuild their lives free from abuse.

In addition to seeking legal protections and support services, victims of abuse must prioritize their own safety and well-being throughout the divorce process.

This may involve developing a safety plan, seeking counseling or therapy, and surrounding themselves with a strong support network of friends, family, and professionals who can offer assistance and guidance.

Furthermore, victims should document instances of abuse, including keeping records of threatening messages, injuries, and any other evidence that may support their case in court.

By documenting the abuse, you can strengthen your legal position and increase the likelihood of obtaining a more favorable outcome in your divorce proceedings.

Ultimately, the most important thing for you to remember is that you have rights and options available to you.

No one deserves to live in fear or endure abuse, and divorce can provide a path to safety, freedom, and a better future.

By seeking legal assistance, accessing support services, and prioritizing your own well-being, you can take control of your life and begin the healing process.


If you live in Monmouth County and if you are considering separating or filing for divorce, the most important thing for you to do before doing anything else is to learn how to protect yourself, your children, and your assets.

I'll show you how you can do it.

I've been a divorce specialist in Colts Neck (by Delicious Orchards) for 36 years, and I've successfully represented many people against abusive spouses.

I "get it" and I'm here to help.

My free NJ DIVORCE EDGE 2024 (click here) course will teach you how to turn your situation around to your advantage.

Every divorce case is different. My emails will teach you, in an easy to understand way, everything that you need to know to help you make the right decisions based upon the particular facts of your situation.

I get emails from strangers all the time thanking me for making this information available to them online at no cost, and I'm pretty certain that you, too, will get a lot of value from my emails.

And if you want to stop the emails, I made it really easy for you to do that...

One click on any email stops the course.

But few people do that...

Because the material is really helpful to anyone who is even just beginning to think about getting a divorce here in Monmouth County.


Are you ready to start turning things around?

The next move is up to you...!

Click the link above and begin learning how to get the "edge" in YOUR Monmouth County divorce case.

Until next time,

Steven J. Kaplan, Esq.

Specializing In Divorce
In Monmouth County

5 Professional Circle
Colts Neck, NJ. 07722

(732) 845-9010