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Combatting Parental Alienation in Monmouth County

We have some good judges in Monmouth County.

They will not tolerate parental alienation.

The challenge is convincing your judge that it is happening.

That is because parental alienation is a complex and often emotionally charged issue.

It refers to the manipulation or programming of a child by one parent to denigrate, reject, or estrange the other parent.

While it is widely acknowledged that parental alienation can have serious and detrimental effects on children and families, the concept remains controversial, and its diagnosis and treatment are subjects of debate within the legal and psychological communities.

Dr. Richard Gardner, a prominent psychiatrist, introduced the term "Parental Alienation Syndrome" (PAS) in the 1980s to describe a specific constellation of behaviors exhibited by children who have been alienated from one parent.

Gardner's work on PAS brought much-needed attention to the phenomenon of parental alienation and provided a framework for understanding and addressing it in legal and therapeutic settings.

Advocates of Gardner's work point to several key contributions he made to the field.

Firstly, he emphasized the importance of recognizing parental alienation as a form of emotional abuse, highlighting its potential long-term consequences for children's mental and emotional well-being.

By identifying specific behaviors associated with PAS, such as the child's irrational hostility toward the targeted parent and the absence of legitimate reasons for this hostility, Gardner provided professionals with criteria for identifying and addressing cases of parental alienation.

Furthermore, Gardner proposed interventions aimed at combating parental alienation, such as court-ordered reunification therapy and educational programs for both parents and children.

These interventions, proponents argue, can help repair damaged parent-child relationships and mitigate the harmful effects of alienation on families.

However, despite these contributions, Gardner's work and the concept of PAS have drawn criticism from some quarters.

One major criticism is that PAS lacks scientific validity and reliability as a diagnostic entity.

Critics argue that the criteria for diagnosing PAS are vague and subjective, making it susceptible to misuse in legal proceedings.

Additionally, skeptics contend that PAS places undue emphasis on blaming one parent for the alienation, potentially overlooking the complex dynamics of high-conflict divorces and the role both parents may play in contributing to the alienation.

Moreover, Gardner's views on the role of false allegations of abuse in custody disputes have been particularly controversial.

He argued that in many cases, allegations of abuse by the alienated parent are fabricated as part of the alienating parent's strategy to alienate the child.

Critics counter that this perspective may discourage genuine victims of abuse, especially children, from coming forward and receiving the protection and support they need.

While there is widespread recognition in Monmouth County that parental alienation is a real and harmful phenomenon, the legacy of Dr. Richard Gardner and his concept of Parental Alienation Syndrome remains contentious.

While some praise Gardner for bringing attention to the issue and proposing interventions to address it, others criticize his work for its lack of scientific rigor and potential for misuse in legal settings.

Moving forward, it is essential for professionals working in the fields of law, psychology, and family therapy to approach cases of parental alienation with sensitivity, objectivity, and a focus on the best interests of the children involved.


If you are considering separating or filing for divorce, the most important thing for you to do before doing anything else is to learn how to protect yourself, your children, and your assets.

undefinedI'll show you how you can do it.

I've been a divorce specialist in Colts Neck (by Delicious Orchards) for 36 years, and I've successfully represented many people against spouses who have engaged in child alienation practices.

I "get it" and I'm here to help.

My free NJ DIVORCE EDGE 2024 (click here) course will teach you how to turn your situation around to your advantage.

Getting a divorce from a spouse who is manipulating your child against you will require you to make many tough decisions.

Making the wrong decision can be the difference between getting a good result (or at least a result that you can live with) and getting a bad result.

Getting "the edge" in your divorce case from your child-alienating spouse will come down to developing the ability to consistently make the right decisions in your case.

And that's where I come in.

My emails will teach you, in an easy to understand way, everything that you need to know to help you make the right decisions for you, based upon the specific facts of your case and the specific behavior of your alienating spouse.

You will get my best articles.

I get emails from strangers all the time thanking me for making this information available to them online at no cost.

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And if you want to stop the emails, I made it really easy for you to do that...

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But few people do that...

Because the material is really helpful to anyone who is thinking about getting a divorce in Monmouth County.


Are you ready to start turning things around?

The next move is up to you...!

Click the link above and begin learning how to get the "edge" in YOUR Monmouth County divorce case.

Until next time,

Steven J. Kaplan, Esq.

Specializing In Divorce
In Monmouth County

5 Professional Circle
Colts Neck, NJ. 07722

(732) 845-9010

 CLICK HERE To Learn About My Free NJ DIVORCE EDGE 2024 Course!