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5 Professional Circle Colts Neck, NJ. 07722   (732) 845-9010

Your Divorce Case Information Statement: The Backbone of Your Case


Your NJ Divorce Case Information Statement (CIS) is the backbone of your NJ divorce case. You can obtain one for free here.

This makes it incredibly useful in our efforts to work out a fair and reasonable settlement as quickly as possible or, if not possible, to help us convince a Court as to the merits of your position.

For these reasons, it is important that it be completed fully and accurately. This will help us obtain the best results for you in your divorce case.

Once we have your Case Information Statement completed, we will communicate with your spouse's attorney and exchange Case Information Statements.

Once we have your spouse's CIS, we can start to negotiate the child support issue, the alimony issue, and the other financial issues.  Without the CIS, it is difficult to try to effectively move your case forward.

So how can you help? It is your job to assemble the supporting financial documents from your records and it is your job to help us construct your budget.

While some people find these tasks to be somewhat boring, it is crucial to the success of your divorce that your NJ Family Part CIS be done completely and accurately.

If we're able to work the financial issues in your case out amicably, we can prepare what is called a consent order, which is a court order that says how much financial support one parent is going to pay at least on a temporary basis until we get you to the divorce, at which time another more permanent arrangement will be made.

If we can't work the finances out amicably, maybe we have to file a motion with the court. But again, we cannot file a motion without first having prepared your Case Information Statement. Your Case Information Statement gets filed with your motion as the key supporting financial document.  

A motion is a request to the judge for something. In this example, it would be a request for financial help.

If we need to file a motion, we could ask for alimony, child support -- perhaps we are also asking for permission to take the children to France this summer for vacation  -- and anything else that you would like to do that your spouse is not agreeing to, we can ask the judge for permission in the motion that we'll file.

But again, it all takes a back seat to the preparation of your Case Information Statement.

So, the point is that once we have the Case Information Statement done, then we can start to negotiate with the other side and if they don't cooperate, we can prepare and file a motion with the Court using the Case Information Statement as a foundation.


Topics: Alimony, Child Support, Equitable Distribution of Property