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  1. Top 10 Qualities Of A Great NJ Divorce Lawyer

    Slow down.

    This decision is a big one.

    If you are going to select a potential divorce lawyer online, then you'd better know what to look for.

    You need to learn this.

    Read the following.


    This is no time for speed reading.

    As a Monmouth County divorce lawyer who has done nothing but divorce work for over 36 years, I recommend that you inquire into the following 10 areas to help you find your great divorce attorney:

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    Topics: Divorce, Monmouth County divorce attorney

  2. 5 Hot Tips About Separation in NJ

    The reality is that there is no legal process in New Jersey for a simple marital separation.

    You can separate in NJ simply by moving out tonight if you want to.

    Of course, you cannot simply abandon your responsibilities, both financial and otherwise, for your spouse and children.

    Let me share 5 ideas with you about separating in NJ, after which I will extend a free offer to you that will really help you should you accept it:

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    Topics: Monmouth County divorce attorney

  3. What It Means To Serve Divorce Papers in NJ


    A new client recently hired me and asked me to "serve" divorce papers on his wife that same day.

    I explained to him that his request would be very difficult, and probably impossible, to do.

    His request made me realize that there is confusion about what it means to serve divorce papers in New Jersey.

    Let me explain.

    Before divorce papers can be "served," they must first be created and then filed with the Court.

    Divorce proceedings in NJ begin with your lawyer preparing your divorce complaint.  

    The complaint states your NJ Grounds for Divorce. It gives the judge the reasons that you are asking for a divorce (most of the time the reasons given are "irreconciliable differences," but not always.)

    Once the divorce complaint has been prepared by your lawyer, it is sent to the county courthouse to be filed (that is, received by a courthouse employee and stamped with the word "filed," and assigned a case number known as a docket number.)

    By having a docket number assigned to it, there is now a place to file your papers at the county courthouse. It's kind of like having a locker at the local beach club... you know, a place to store your stuff... well, maybe not exactly the same, but you get the idea.

    The divorce complaint, now bearing that all important court-assigned case number, (i.e. the docket number) is then returned to your lawyer so that he can arrange for proper "service" upon your spouse, who is now known as the defendant.

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    Topics: Divorce, Monmouth County divorce attorney

  4. "Why Won't The Other Attorney Negotiate?"

    "Why won't the other divorce attorney negotiate?"

    That's what Barbara asked me.

    "Steve," she said, "we've been trying to get them to respond to our settlement proposal that I asked you to draft 2 months ago and that you mailed to them 2 months ago. No response.

    We've been trying to get them to attend a four way conference to begin a dialogue. No response.

    You call and leave messages for his attorney to call you back. You do not get the courtesy of a return call.

    Why can't you get the other attorney to negotiate?"

    Barbara is a really nice lady.

    She didn't deserve the treatment that her husband gave her.

    She knew that he had affairs but she did not want the divorce.

    Ultimately her husband left her for another woman.

    When I'm representing the person who doesn't want the divorce or who doesn't care about it or just wants to be left alone, I don't get the phone calls like the one that I got from Barbara.

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    Topics: Divorce, Monmouth County divorce attorney

  5. Should Your Monmouth County Divorce Attorney Take Depositions?

    Are there unanswered questions in your divorce case?  

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    Topics: Monmouth County divorce attorney

  6. 10 Good First Questions To Ask A Divorce Attorney

    Often people who are considering getting a divorce are not sure where to begin or what questions to ask me.

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    Topics: Monmouth County divorce attorney

  7. How An International Catastrophe Started My Career

    It was April of 1986.

    I was interviewing with a highly respected Judge of the Superior Court, in the family part in northern New Jersey. I was applying to be His Honor's law clerk for the 1986–1987 court year.

    I was extremely proud to have been selected to interview with this particular judge, who I had heard was one of the best Divorce Court judges in the state.

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    Topics: Monmouth County divorce attorney

  8. Family Court Motions

    What is a motion? A motion is simply a request of a judge for something.

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    Topics: Divorce, family court, Monmouth County divorce attorney

  9. Sometimes Divorce Lawyers in NJ "Dump" a Case on an Associate

    There is a bad practice in many law firms where the "rainmaker" lawyer (usually the oldest lawyer in the group) brings in most of the business but has young associates, fresh out of law school, do most of the work on the client files.

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    Topics: Divorce, Monmouth County divorce attorney

  10. 10 Factors To Consider When Selecting Your New Jersey Divorce Lawyer

    It's time.

    You know that it's time.

    Everything and everyone tells you that it's time.

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    Topics: Divorce, Monmouth County divorce attorney