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  1. Understanding Spousal Support Entitlement for Unemployed Spouses in New Jersey Divorce Cases

    Divorce proceedings can be complex, especially when one spouse has been primarily responsible for homemaking and caregiving duties while the other has been the primary breadwinner.

    In New Jersey, the court recognizes the valuable contributions of a homemaker and primary custodial parent, even if they are not employed outside the home.

    Understanding what an unemployed spouse is entitled to in a divorce is crucial for ensuring fair and just outcomes.

    Let's delve into the intricacies of spousal support entitlement for unemployed spouses in New Jersey.

    Recognizing Contributions as a Homemaker and Primary Custodial Parent

    In New Jersey divorce cases, courts consider various factors when determining spousal support, also known as alimony.

    One crucial factor is the contributions each spouse has made to the marriage, including contributions as a homemaker and primary custodial parent.

    Despite not being employed outside the home, the contributions of the spouse who manages household responsibilities and cares for children are highly valued by the court.

    Factors Considered in Determining Spousal Support

    When setting spousal support, New Jersey courts take into account several factors to ensure fairness and equity. These factors may include:

    1. Duration of the Marriage: The length of the marriage is a significant consideration. Longer marriages may result in higher spousal support awards.

    2. Standard of Living During the Marriage: The lifestyle enjoyed by the couple during the marriage is an essential consideration. The court aims to maintain a similar standard of living for both spouses post-divorce to the extent possible.

    3. Earning Capacity and Employability: The court assesses each spouse's earning capacity and potential for future employment. For the unemployed spouse who has been out of the workforce, the court may consider factors such as education, training, and job market conditions.

    4. Child Custody Arrangements: If one spouse is the primary custodial parent, the court acknowledges the financial implications of caregiving responsibilities. Spousal support may be adjusted to reflect the custodial parent's need to care for the children.

    5. Financial Needs and Resources of Each Spouse: The court examines the financial needs and resources of each spouse, including income, assets, and liabilities. Disparities in earning capacity and financial resources may influence the spousal support award.

    6. Health and Age of Each Spouse: The health and age of each spouse are considered when determining spousal support. Health issues or advanced age may impact one's ability to secure employment and earn income.

    Seeking Legal Guidance

    Navigating the complexities of spousal support in a divorce case requires careful consideration of various factors and legal expertise.

    If you are an unemployed spouse seeking fair treatment and adequate spousal support in your divorce proceedings, it is essential to consult with an experienced New Jersey divorce lawyer.


    In New Jersey, unemployed spouses are entitled to fair consideration of their contributions as homemakers and primary custodial parents when it comes to spousal support in divorce cases.

    By understanding the factors considered by the court and seeking legal guidance, unemployed spouses can ensure their rights are protected and secure a just outcome in their divorce proceedings.


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  2. Why an Experienced Divorce Lawyer is Worth the Higher Hourly Rate

    Discover the undeniable benefits of hiring an experienced divorce lawyer at a higher hourly rate and why it's a wise investment for your case.

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  3. Why It's A Terrible Idea To Divorce Without A Very Good Lawyer

    Question: Why pay thousands of dollars to a divorce lawyer to handle your divorce case in New Jersey when legally you can do it yourself?

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  7. How Your Pre-Marital Home Is Treated in Divorce in NJ

    What happens to a house owned by one party to a divorce prior to the marriage in a Monmouth County divorce?

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  8. Understanding Fathers' Rights in Monmouth County

    Monmouth County NJ Family Court Judges take the rights of both parents very seriously.

    In recent years, there has been a significant shift in the legal landscape surrounding parental rights, particularly with regard to fathers' rights in divorce and custody cases.

    Gone are the days when mothers were automatically granted primary custody of their children while fathers were relegated to secondary roles.

    Today, the legal system in New Jersey recognizes the importance of both parents in a child's life and strives to ensure that fathers have equal rights to their children.

    Equal Parenting Time:

    One of the fundamental principles guiding family law in New Jersey is the belief in shared parenting responsibilities.

    This means that both parents, regardless of gender, have the right to actively participate in their children's lives and make important decisions regarding their upbringing.

    In custody cases, the courts prioritize the best interests of the child above all else, which often translates to a shared parenting arrangement where both parents are granted significant time with their children.

    Factors Considered by the Court:

    When determining custody arrangements, Monmouth County judges consider a variety of factors to ensure that the arrangement serves the best interests of the child.

    These factors may include:

    1. The child's relationship with you and your spouse.
    2. Each parent's ability to provide for the child's emotional, physical, and developmental needs.
    3. The stability of each parent's home environment.
    4. The child's preference, if they are of sufficient age and maturity (for example, in most situations, a 15 year old's wishes will have a lot more weight with the judge than a 7 year old's wishes will.)
    5. Any history of domestic violence or substance abuse.

    It's important to note that the court's decision is not based on the gender of the parents (you know...mom vs. dad) but rather on their individual abilities to meet the needs of their children.

    Legal and Physical Custody:

    In New Jersey, custody is divided into two types: legal custody and physical custody.

    Legal custody refers to the right to make important decisions about the child's upbringing, including matters related to education, healthcare, and religion.

    Physical custody, on the other hand, pertains to where the child will reside on a day-to-day basis.

    In many cases, parents are awarded joint legal custody, meaning they share decision-making responsibilities.

    As for physical custody, the court may grant joint physical custody, where the child spends roughly equal time with each parent, or primary physical custody to one parent with the other parent having generous parenting time rights.

    Parenting Time:

    Even if one parent is awarded primary physical custody, the non-custodial parent is entitled to regular parenting time.

    This ensures that the child maintains a strong relationship with both parents and has the opportunity to spend quality time with each.

    It's worth noting that parenting time arrangements can vary widely depending on the circumstances of the case, but the overarching goal is to facilitate meaningful and ongoing involvement by both parents in their child's life.

    Enforcing Fathers' Rights:

    In cases where a father feels that his rights are being overlooked or undermined, it's crucial to seek legal representation from an experienced family law attorney.

    A knowledgeable lawyer can advocate for the father's rights and work to ensure that the custody arrangement is fair and in the best interests of the child.

    Final Thoughts:

    In New Jersey, fathers have equal rights to their children in divorce and custody cases.

    Monmouth County Family Court Judges take this concept seriously.

    The legal system recognizes the importance of both parents in a child's life and strives to create custody arrangements that promote the child's best interests while respecting the rights of both parents.

    By understanding their rights and working with skilled legal professionals, fathers can play an active and meaningful role in their children's lives following a divorce or separation.


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  9. Abandonment (ie,Desertion) in Your Monmouth Co. Divorce

    In this article, I will explore the legal nuances surrounding the issue of abandonment (or "desertion") as it affects a divorce here in Monmouth County, New Jersey.

    In NJ, the concept of "desertion" is defined as "willful and continued desertion for the term of 12 or more months, which may be established by satisfactory proof that the parties have ceased to cohabit as man and wife".

    This one-year requirement ensures the judge that the abandonment is not merely a temporary separation.

    Documentation of your spouse's departure, witness testimonies, and communication records play a role in establishing the timeline and intent behind your spouse's desertion.

    Moreover, providing evidence of your attempts to reconcile or your spouse's refusal to engage in reconciliation efforts will strengthen your case.

    New Jersey follows equitable distribution laws, meaning that marital assets are divided fairly but not necessarily equally.

    It is possible that the court may consider the circumstances surrounding the desertion when determining what is fair to you under the facts of your particular case.

    Additionally, alimony awards may be affected by the financial impact of abandonment on you.

    If you have children, desertion can impact custody determinations.

    Monmouth County family court judges prioritize the best interests of the child, taking into account factors such as parental stability, involvement, and the ability to provide a nurturing environment.

    If your spouse has abandoned not only you but your children as well, then the judge may consider the deserting parent's commitment to the child's well-being and involvement in their life when making custody decisions. 



    I know that being deserted by your spouse is painful.

    Notwithstanding the pain, "desertion" is only one of 9 grounds for divorce in New Jersey.

    Even though you CAN file based upon desertion, it might be in your best interest to file based upon another ground.

    If you are considering separating or filing for divorce, the most important thing for you to do before doing anything else as to learn how to protect yourself, your children, and your assets.

    That includes getting an understanding of the most useful ground or grounds for divorce that NJ offers to you.

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  10. Physical Abuse in NJ Divorce Cases

    Physical abuse, with its visible and tangible consequences, is a serious matter that is taken seriously by New Jersey authorities.

    Recognizing Physical Abuse:

    Physical abuse involves the infliction of bodily harm and poses a direct threat to the safety and well-being of a person.

    Unlike other forms of abuse, physical abuse leaves visible scars and injuries, often making it easier to identify.

    Documenting instances of physical abuse, including dates, times, and specific details, is crucial for building a case in a New Jersey divorce proceeding.

    Legal Implications in New Jersey: New Jersey family law recognizes the gravity of physical abuse and its impact on individuals and families.

    Courts in New Jersey prioritize the safety of all parties involved and take proactive measures to address the unique circumstances of cases involving abuse.

    It is imperative to consult with a divorce lawyer with experience with cases involving physical abuse to ensure that the legal process adequately addresses the complexities of your situation.

    Restraining Orders: In cases of severe physical abuse, a person may seek a restraining order to ensure her or his safety.

    New Jersey courts take these matters seriously, prioritizing the protection of victims.

    If you are a victim of physical abuse, it is essential to work with a divorce lawyer who can guide you through the process of obtaining legal protection and advocate for your rights.

    Child Custody Considerations: Physical abuse can significantly impact child custody determinations in New Jersey.

    Courts prioritize the best interests of the child, and exposure to a physically abusive environment may be considered detrimental.

    Documenting instances of abuse and presenting evidence to the court is crucial in establishing the need for a custody arrangement that ensures the child's safety and well-being.

    Rebuilding and Moving Forward: Beyond the legal aspects, people who have experienced physical abuse during their marriage may require additional emotional and psychological support.

    Rebuilding one's life after a physically abusive relationship is a journey, and seeking the right support can make a significant difference in the process.


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